Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Most likely my last post of the year

Especially as this is only my second post since returning from Cyprus in early September...

We have broadband at home now, and I love it! A few teething problems in the first few days seem to have been sorted out, and it's been quite reliable since then.

Soph and I just had a lovely dinner cooked on our new BBQ and eaten on our new garden furniture in our gazebo. Life is pretty good at the moment!

And for those who haven't seen our kitten yet here she is:

Have a great new year's eve everyone!


fergle said...

conversation in Tonga
Trish "aaaaaw, Todd come and see J's kitten"
Todd "okay"
Todd wanders in and says "it has a fat head."
I kid you not. I think you stop being friends with him!!

fergle said...

conversation in Tonga
Trish "aaaaaw, Todd come and see J's kitten"
Todd "okay"
Todd wanders in and says "it has a fat head."
I kid you not. I think you stop being friends with him!!

fergle said...

conversation in Tonga
Trish "aaaaaw, Todd come and see J's kitten"
Todd "okay"
Todd wanders in and says "it has a fat head."
I kid you not. I think you stop being friends with him!!