Thursday, November 29, 2007

Full Term

Sophie is 37 weeks pregnant today. Depending on who you ask this can be considered to be full term, despite our due date still being 18 days away. So we've now reached the four-week window where our baby could be born any day, from today until 10 days after the due date when Soph would be induced.

Ideally Bean will be born very soon, as it is my Great Aunt Edna's 100th birthday party on December 8th and all my family are flying in to attend... but it's in Sydney so Soph and I can't go if she is still pregnant. It would be perfect to be able to take Bean up to the party and show off our new baby to everyone at once! However we probably don't want to freak out Bean too much after just coming home from the hospital, so it would have to be in the next couple of days for it to be possible.

If the baby doesn't arrive early we then have to avoid the 18th December which is Soph's birthday (she doesn't like to share). After that, we're both desperate for our baby to not be born on Christmas Day , so if Soph is still pregnant by that stage she will be 8 days overdue and it will be a rather stressful day! Christmas Eve and Boxing Day aren't too much better, but probably acceptable.

So wish us luck as we navigate the calendar over the next 4 weeks!

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