Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Murphy's Law

Well, a few hours after I wrote in my journal how happy I was that CYTV had shown all the swimming instead of sports like weighlifting or wrestling, they broke off in the middle of the swimming finals to show, of course, weightlifting. I guess I deserved it. Still, they did show the 200m race live so I wasn't too unhappy. And after the weightlifting had finished they went back and showed the rest of the swimming so I didn't miss out on anything.

I'm still starting to get frustrated as to how much time they waste when it could be used to show other events. When they came back from the weightlifting they first repeated the first four races that they had already shown live earlier. They also kept in all the leadups and the breaks between races, when they probably could have saved at least half an hour by cutting it all out. And the other channel only showed the gymnastics. So for a total of 7 hours of coverage there were only 3 sports shown. I'll bet they're regretting not showing some of the diving after Greece won their first gold medal!

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